Corporate Overview
Sigma Information Management Corporation is a small
business founded by Monika Khatri and incorporated in the
Commonwealth of Virginia in 1985. On March 5, 1992, the firm was
certified to participate in the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA's)
Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development Program
authorized under Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act. Sigma graduated
from the 8(a) Program in March 2001.
Sigma's services are provided through a decentralized division
management structure. This structure and accompanying management
accountability concept have been developed to provide concentrated
areas of technical specialization and knowledgeable supervision
over specific disciplines, while promoting a team building approach
to project staffing. This type of management approach not only
fosters teaming between the internal Company multi-disciplinary divisions,
it also promotes the creation of teaming between these divisions
and their counterparts in other companies with similar professional and/or
technical services capabilities and compatible business interests.
Rapidly changing information technology, budget constraints, and
increased competitiveness resulting from the shift to worldwide markets
has precipitated the need for major changes in management strategies
and the use of information technology in the private sector. Similarly,
government agencies are faced with the problem of doing more for less.
To meet these challenges, management is looking increasingly at the
expanded use of information technology to modernize their
business processes. This is creating a demand for management and
information systems expertise and tools in such areas as strategic
planning, performance measurement, business process engineering,
business systems engineering using object technology, organization
re-structuring, and other related disciplines.